

miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016


The Beauty of Honduras...

In general we are used to watch in the news about violence and crime around the world. Especially in Latin America, but one country stands up for that Ranking, and this place happened to be my home country, Honduras…

But I am not here to tell you all about the problems that we might have, because I am sure that nobody wants to fill their lives with negativity. I am here to tell you that all of this bad propaganda is just nonsense, and there are some awesome things as well.

What I mean to say is that we are so much more than poverty, violence and crime. We are a country of hope, happiness and beauty. As a Honduran myself, I have traveled a lot, lived in 5 Countries and 7 different cities around the world, and now I am back home.

I can assured you that this whole “Is Dangerous” campaign is simply not true, Honduras has so much to offer, so much culture and love that I am a little overwhelmed myself with this. I was living abroad the last 7 years and I came back 3 months ago, and let me tell you that all the negative publicity that we give to the world is just that, Bad Marketing.

I don’t pretend to insult or compare with other countries, but Honduras has it all.

From Mountains to lakes, from wonderful beaches to green forest, Ancient cultures and delicious food. And the best of all, it is still really cheap compared with the rest of the world.

So now is my duty to share with you guys the beauties and great things that we have, and I hope that you can come to visit us, because I can tell you from the bottom of my heart, you won’t regret your travel to Honduras.

Todo esta Aqui!!

All is here, that`s one of our motto's, so please do yourself a favor and take a chance to travel to Central America. We are friendly, warm and kind people, always willing to help and share what we have.

From the heart of Central America

Visit Honduras.

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