I remember my mom and uncle listening to this particular artist, he is from Nicaragua, and his name is of course Carlos Mejia Godoy. He is a great performer and his music is still very popular, not only in his natal Nicaragua, but also in all central america and other countries. Here is a little about his life:

Carlos Mejía Godoy (born June 27, 1943) is a Nicaraguan musician, composer and singer. He was born in Somoto, Madriz. Son of Carlos Mejía Fajardo and María Elsa Godoy, his brother Luis Enrique Mejía Godoy, three years younger than he is, is also an acclaimed and much-loved musician. Carlos and Luis Enrique were pivotal in the New Song Movement in Central America beginning in the 1970s. They were both recently honored with Nicaragua's highest cultural distinction, the Order of Rubén Darío.
Carlos started his career as 'Corporito' on the radio station 'Radio Corporacion', where he would daily compose songs that would rain ridicule and scorn on all politicians and political parties. He would do it with that biting sense of humor that so few artists are able to master.
Many of his songs, performed with his band los de Palacagüina, became associated with the Sandinista movement as songs of the workers and revolutionaries. He even composed a Mass for the working class, the Misa Campesina Nicaragüense. Many of his songs during the late 1970s gave instructions on how to use, assemble, and disassemble the rifles people were capturing from dictator Somoza's National Guard during street battles.

Some of his albums include: El Son Nuestro De Cada Día, La Nueva Milpa, Grandes Éxitos, and A Dos Puyas, No Hay Toro Valiente. His music has also been featured on several compilations of songs of Nicaragua and the Nicaraguan revolution: Songs of the Nicaraguan Revolution, Vol.1-2, and Nicaraguita: Music from Nicaragua.
They were very famous in the 70´s and one of his songs, Quincho Barrilete won the OTI festival. I am very fond of this artists and all of his family are very talented, his brother Luis Enrique is also a composer and singer and he is the uncle of the famous Luis Enrique, the salsa singer whose latest hit was " Yo no se mañana"
I think more than words, a few song will do the honor to this great artist from our Nicaragua. I went to see them perform live in their own house, is called " La casa del los Mejia Godoy". This is located in Managua and if you are travelling in this city, is really worth the while!!
Now, some of his great songs!!
This is called Son tus perfumenes mujer, is a sweet and almost funny song.
Nicaragua, Nicaraguita
This one is Quincho Barrilete, the winner song of OTI Festival in 1977.
El Cristo de Palacaguina
Palomita Guasiruca ( don't know the meaning of this word, but is a nice song)
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